
Şubat, 2018 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


1.        Introduction The Western world has made more noteworthy material wealth than some other societies in the historical backdrop of humankind throughout last two centuries. However, this “contemporary world” figured out how to slaughter off a large number of world population in a course of action, which called “war”. Despite this historical fact, numerous psychologists and psychiatrists reject to consider the idea that society might be lacking in sanity. Fromm (1963) claimed that they addressed madness in a society is only that the quantity of "unadjusted" people. Moreover they do not hold that a probable unadjustment of the culture itself. Mental health specialists clash over the idea of whether Western culture causes labelling individuals as mad or madness is a real existence and deviance from normality. Foucault (1967) appealed that modernity is the most significant reason of mental illness. He explained his idea with underlying the role of the establishmen